Dark Night Read online

Page 5

  "That's it?" I asked expecting it to be longer. "Pretty much, yes," he said standing up.

  "I already like it here." I stood up and followed him.

  "Good, you're making progress." He said as he smiled and looked at me until someone broke the awkwardness.

  "Mia? Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god! It's really you!" It took me a minute to really see who I was looking at.

  It was Mereily.


  “Give her space to breathe.” Robert said. I could hear everything, I wasn’t faint, but I wasn’t there completely. This whole time I had been hoping that my friends were alive, and sure enough I walked into Mereily. She was so different and I was still in shock staring at her. Her hair was so long and it looked so smooth down. She dyed it? No. it was just darker than I remembered. Her skin was simply white, not pale just white, and her eyes were an even brighter blue. She was wearing a purple skirt that was too short for my taste, with a really pretty black blouse. She did always look her best. To her left, friends of her stood looking at me oddly. To her right was a girl that I had seen before… oh right, Genevieve.

  “I’m fine… I think.” I told Robert who was over me, I moved him out of my way to have a better view.

  “Only here a day, and already causing trouble.” Genevieve said loud enough for people that were trying to exit the auditorium could hear.

  “That’s not nice Gene, she’s my friend.” Mereily said to her, Genevieve snorted.

  “I am, so back off okay?” I snapped at her, she really had an attitude problem.

  She gave me a dirty look and turned away. “See you around Mere.”

  “You let her call you Mere? What happened to you?”

  “The same thing that happened to you… apparently,” She waved her hand up and down at both of us. “It’s still me, okay? Look, maybe we should go.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the auditorium. I didn’t argue and followed along. Nobody followed us, not even Robert. We went through so many doors I got dizzy, just trying to remember.

  “I’m so glad to see you!” She hugged me, and I hugged her back. It was a relief to know at least one of my friends was safe.

  “Mereily, I was hiding in an old building somewhere in England for the past five months! Where have you been? That night, I don’t know what happened… I can’t remember, do you know?”

  “No. I don’t know what happened to you, I know what happened to me. We can talk about that later but tell me why were you hiding in a building, an old building?”

  “Because… it’s a long story, are they treating you right?” I wasn't comfortable talking about this with her just yet, so I quickly changed the subject.

  “Are you kidding me? This is better than it used to be! It’s awesome!”

  “Yes, the gifts and all., but how are you?” I felt like she was just saying that but didn't really mean it.

  “What do you mean?” Her excitement dropped.

  “How are you? How do you feel?” I didn't believe her.

  “I’m fine, Fabulous actually.” She tried smiling but failed.

  “You look delicate, like you’re sick or something.” She really did and more fragile than ever, touching her felt risky as if she would break.

  “Oh. That, is the change that’s all.” She said trying to convince for me or herself, but I wasn’t buying it. I could see her bones, not healthy.

  “Well, if you say so. Hey, where’s everybody else? Bonnie, Dana, the guy’s and__?” Changing the subject seemed like a good way to go, I didn’t want to be pushy on my first day here.

  “They were sent to other schools.” She sighed crossing her arms as if she were cold.

  “But why?” I was disappointed at hearing they were somewhere else, but at least safe.

  “That’s how it is, we’re not allowed to ask, it’s rude. I talk to Bonnie and Dana though I know what schools they go to.” She uncrossed her arms and gazed at the garden, as if this conversation was making her uncomfortable.

  “Really?” I was not happy with the idea of not being allowed to ask questions about my friends, I was going to talk to Robert about it. “Where’d they go?”

  She thought for a minute. Damn it! I can’t remember. But Bonnie is somewhere in New York. And Dana is in Hawaii.” She said “frustrated”, I wasn’t buying it either.

  “How do you communicate?” I wanted to speak to them to be sure they were alright.

  “There is a computer lab, um… I’ll show you tomorrow, I have their email addresses.” She said instead.

  “You don’t have their phone number?” That was suspicious.

  “Yeah, but they never answer.” She said like everything was as normal as ever, which it totally wasn’t.

  “Right…” I didn’t want to push it. “Changing the subject, why do you talk to that brat? And what did you call her?”

  “Um... Gene, she’s my friend. That’s why I talk to her.” she said, obviously defending her.

  “Well, she’s a brat and I don’t like her.”

  “What did she do to you?” She asked like I was the bad guy. I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell her about the whole Robert thing. But I was going to sum it up.

  “She’s jealous because Rob_ I mean Lord Robert is watching out for me, they made him. And he’s also my roommate. When I had barely got here yesterday, she went to my room and yelled at me saying something about owning someone?” I exaggerated a little.

  “Be reasonable. That’s her boyfriend. And you are sleeping with him…” she thought better. “I didn’t mean it like that I mean you two are living in the same room, how would you feel?”

  “No. That’s not her boyfriend. That girl is crazy, even Robert said so. And I wouldn’t feel a damn thing, because I dumped my ex!” I snapped, I didn’t mean to get mad but just thinking about it made me feel horrible.

  “I’m sorry…. I didn’t know you and Cole… was that his name?”

  “Yeah that was it…” I was crying now, little sobs. God I was emotional these days.

  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to but I really am sorry, Mia I’m here. I know Bonnie and you were inseparable since ever, but I’m your friend too.” I could tell she meant what she said. We both got teary eyed. We were both now being emotional.

  “No. You’re one of my best friends. Who said I can’t have more than one?” We laughed and felt better. “I guess I see your point about Genevieve and Robert, but still he said it wasn’t true.”

  She nodded. “It probably isn’t but Robert isn’t a saint here either. You should hear the things he’s done. His father isn’t here to tell him anything so he does what he wants. And he gets what he wants.”

  “I’ll be careful.” l believed he wasn’t the nicest guy in the world, point. But I didn’t know what she meant by saying “he gets what he wants”.

  “Please do.” She insisted.

  “Finally, can someone explain to me what in the world is going on?” A very short girl came around the corner and stared at us with wide eyes.

  “Hey Sophie! This is Mia the friend I told you about.” Mereily said.

  “She’s the one that likes to read?” She got excited. She was tiny, she reminded me of Bonnie, the way she looked, long curls and all, just like her, except her body.

  “Nice. Have you been telling people I’m a nerd too?” I said jokingly.

  “No. She actually said you were cool, because you weren’t like the other girls. Preppy, bossy and stuck up like Gene. And that you like to read books and study hard. I’m that way too, that’s why Gene picks on me sometimes, she pretends to be my friend in front of Mery, but behind her back she’s as mean as a witch.” She said childlike, and I liked her already, her personality was cute, and she liked to read. It was good to hear I wasn’t the only “nerd”. “Oh nice to meet you, you’re like an idol to me.” she said sincerely stretching her hand out.

  “Uh, I’m flattered. Thanks, its nice meeting you too.” I shook her hand. Whoa
, she was as delicate as Mereily.

  “We should go now.” Mereily said and we both nodded. On the way back I was paying attention to where we were. We were in a patio outside but still inside the school. I would remember this place. It was a pretty garden.

  We got back inside and went to a dining area where students stared.

  “I’m being stared at.” I pointed out as we looked around the room. Everything was elegant and starting with hardwood floors, there was a big fountain along the side of the walls ending by the size wall window that was covered by golden drapes (the kind you see in catalogues). Black table covers and white chair covers that went with the theme. No one was sitting in that side of the room everyone stood by while someone made an announcement.

  “I forgot to mention that lunch was being served outside today. By the small garden...” The same lady from the auditorium said. Everyone politely exited the room forgetting about me.

  “I guess that’s where the ball is going to be held,” Mereily said in a tone that was almost sarcastic.

  “What’s the deal with the ball?” I asked and regretted I did when Mereily and Sophie glared at me. “What did I say?”

  “It’s like the F’ing academy awards!” Mereily shouted with excitement, “Only the best of the most outstanding students get awards during the ball and it’s not just candy prizes or a gift certificate to go shopping, you actually get a trophy slash Grammy looking thing with your name on it.” She said barely taking a breath. “And you get to keep it.”

  “Yeah, only the students that have been here for like… ever get them. The best only though…” Sophie trailed off.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “Sophie has been here for almost a year already. She’s on level six of her sophomore year, almost a junior. And she hasn’t gotten any awards. That looks bad on you, she has been studying hard and A’s her tests and everything since her second level and still nothing. She doesn’t know why. Most students that get rewarded are on fourth and fifth levels.” She put an arm around Sophie, while we were still walking.

  “How old are you Sophie?”

  “Only fifteen and I had good grades in junior high so I got into high school early."

  “Don’t worry then, you still have two more years for rewards and stuff, you’ll get them.” I told her. “What level are you on?” I asked Mereily.

  “Only third…I flunked second level twice, but I‘m a senior.” She got sad when she said this.

  “What happened?” I whispered.

  She hesitated, didn’t speak for a few minutes. “ I was sick, they detected leukemia and I was in therapy for two months. But now I’m okay, that’s the reason why I look frail. They stopped giving me V2 in order for me to take medications for a while, but I’m beginning to get better. When I recuperate all the way I’ll be taking the V2 again.” She was looking down while she spoke.

  It made sense. “Mereily, why didn’t you tell me earlier when I asked you, if you were okay?” I asked her as we sat on a picnic table, there were plates already served and drinks in our cups.

  “I don’t like talking about it.” She shrugged. “I’m really okay now. I used to have bruises and you could see my bones, it was disgusting.” She looked like she was about to cry.

  She didn't look that healthy to me. “Well, if you’re all better now, then we should do something fun?” I asked her. I saw her face soften then brighten.

  “What are you up to?” She asked trying to figure out what I was thinking. I didn’t answer for a while, because I had no idea what I was going to say while I thought about it. I ate pancakes and drank sweet tea. When I looked around and saw others eat quietly and that they were into their small conversations, I saw Genevieve eating with some of the girls I had seen earlier with Mereily. I didn’t know why suddenly Genevieve stopped chewing her food and glared at me until I heard the voice.

  “How about a tour?” It was Robert, making me jump. “Hi girls are we making friends?” He said nicely.

  “Yes sir.” Sophie answered.

  I knew why Genevieve was glaring at me now, and dint care. “Right now?”

  “Do you want to be lost tomorrow when you need to get to classes?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “No, actually its perfect timing,” I said as I got up, and glanced back at Genevieve to give her a nice evil smile, she hated me. “I’ll catch up with you guys later, I’m in room….” I forgot the number.

  “Fifty.” Robert told them.

  And we walked away.


  “What tour?” I asked when we left the garden.

  “You were supposed to get a tour yesterday, but it was late. The tour of the campus, do you know where the school part is?” I shook my head.

  “That’s why. Besides, you have been losing track of time.”

  “What?” I didn’t really know what time it was.

  “It’s eleven o’clock.” He said pointedly.


  “You are not going to like this, but every other day at lunch time you must go get your V2.”

  “What is that? Everybody keeps talking about it?” I had a feeling that he was right and I wasn’t going to like it.

  Venom.” he said, and I stopped walking.

  “You mean… what kind?” My voice cracked a little at the last words.

  He chuckled. “Not to kill bugs… It’s in order for you to be a vampire.“ He sighed. “There’s two ways. One way is biting and another is injections but that you need to do them every eight to ten hours. Biting is once every other day. If the V2 comes straight from another… person, it works better.” He was standing three feet away from me, wearing dark sunglasses so I couldn’t see his face entirely.

  “I don’t understand, what are you telling me? If you say for example a student bites another then where does that student get the venom from?”

  “Oh. Well, once you have enough in you and you begin to change you don’t need it anymore, because you produce it yourself, like I do. I will be graduating this year and turning into a full blooded vampire. That’s why they picked me to help you, but I don’t know what’s going to happen now… you need to choose now, what do you pick?” I was feeling bad for him and I knew he didn’t want to be taken away. Then he had to remind me of the V2.

  I didn’t know what to pick, I remembered the feeling when he had bit me, but it wasn’t for the venom, he had taken my blood. “Can’t I think about it?” I asked in a begging tone.

  “No. it’s not something you can think about you need to choose now because we’re going to our room.” He said walking ahead of me.

  I didn’t want to pick the injections, no. I hate needles. “Ummm… I sort of don’t like needles. But I don’t want you to think that… you know…”

  “I know.” He simply said without looking at me. We stayed silent the rest of the walk.

  We reached the bedroom and I opened it. I went in and washed my hands in the kitchen sink. “Ready?” He even asked me this time.

  “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” I said. He got close to me and put a hand around my waist and with the other. He grabbed my left hand and pulled it up to his lips. He was so tall and handsome and I looked into his eyes then they suddenly turned black and he closed them, as he bit into my wrist and I felt something different. It was not the same as the last time. This was a strong sting it went from my wrist all the way up my arm spreading through my body. I was changing little, by little and I could feel the difference from the V2 being put into my body now. It was not a pretty feeling, but I felt the power.

  Then he did something he shouldn’t have. He took blood from me, I knew he did because I had that same feeling interfere with the sting and it felt so good I didn’t want him to stop. Actually I wanted to take his blood too. I started feeling dizzy and then I collapsed, he had me in his arms in no time.

  “Shit!” I heard him say. “Mia, don’t go. Mia. Shit!” That was the last thing I heard because what I felt
next made me scream in agony. Robert had injected me more V2 and it hurt a lot. He covered my mouth and soothed me. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. I am so sorry Mia I didn’t mean to do that, but I don’t know what happened…” I heard his voice crack. I decided I wasn’t going to tell anyone, for both of our sakes. I was feeling strong and my bite healed fast. I sat up and looked at him, his eyes were closed and he was still holding on to my wrist like it wouldn’t let him go.

  “Robert I’m fine. Don’t worry. I’m not saying a word. It’ll be our secret. But could you let go, it still hurts.” I waited for him to release it, and he did slowly. He pulled away and I sat on the edge of his bed. “It’s not only your fault… I don’t know. It’s weird to me I’ve never felt anything like that before. But why did I fall like that?”

  “You didn’t. I took a lot of blood from you, and the V2 was working before I drank your blood and then it didn’t and that’s why it hurt after I injected you with it again, I’m not supposed to give you more than once a day only if you use needles. Your body was weak and I thought you were going to…. you looked purple for a minute.” His face was expressionless like he had just seen a ghost. I didn’t know what to say to him. Now I really hated the needles more, and I wanted him to continue biting me but I didn’t think that was going to work out. “ I don’t know if I should do that again, it’s too dangerous. I’ve done it before, but no one else’s blood has ever called to me like yours has. Do you feel anything?”

  I wasn’t going to lie to him. I could feel the connection between us, the bond. And I liked it, that was the bad part, because I still remembered what Mereily had said: “He’s done some bad things.” But I didn’t want to question him about it for now. “Yeah, the connection is there, is that normal? I mean after you bond with someone?”