Dark Night Read online

Page 3

  "Mia, is it?" I nodded. "You are going to begin a new life now. You should welcome it, not fight it. It is not what most humans think it is, your world is still the same as it was before, except with different kinds of creatures ...vampires, humans, goddesses. We choose who can become one and who cannot, those who don't, they continue their normal life's. Those who do become something more than a human, they are appreciative about it in a way it's like a gift. We don't harm humans, though there are others out there that will and those we do fight, and send them back to hell. Humans help us all the time that is why there is no war. Only the rebels who think we're demons or such. But that is not the case, I don't expect you to believe me right now but you can see for yourself, later. They are going to transfer you to the U.S. where life is normal and kids go to school like they should here. You are going to go to a private High School, like the school you were attending here. Instead of just learning about your human life, you will also be trained to become a vampire. After your graduation you will become one and you will be proud of it, I promise you." She smiled like my mother used to and that made me feel better. I hoped she wasn't lying, but how was any of this possible?

  "It looks like I'm going to have to see for myself because I still can’t believe that. Since they caught me, they have been treating me very...bad. Robert and I were arguing when this happened."

  "He did this to you?" She was surprised.

  "Well no, but it was his fault I fell."

  "I'll take care of him. But give him some time he is not here because he is nice."

  "Thanks. But I don't think he and I will ever get along."

  She ignored that, because she knew I was right. "Have you been feeling different lately?" She thought for a second. "For example, any unusual behavior, you feel less like yourself more aggressive and smarter?"

  "Yes. Definitely I feel different in every way. I was never mean, or fought or yelled at anybody...well I haven't in a while." The thing is, I knew something was going on with me. But I chose to ignore it.

  "Your true self is coming out, Mia. Don't be scared, it is who you are and the venom that has been put in you since the first time is making you change. You won’t become a vampire with that little bit of venom but you are definitely not just a regular human anymore. Do you imagine what would have happened to you if your friends had begun to notice this? They would have probably killed you and that’s why you are safe here. They don't know us, but they think the worse and now you are part of us too."

  That was hard to believe, but the more I listened the more it made sense to me. A part that didn't want to believe was telling me to get away, but the part that did, was telling me to be careful. "I don't know what to think." I honestly had to admit.

  "Listen to your heart. It's the only one who will not lie to you. Well, if you promise me to be good, they will transfer you in two weeks. Your new clothes and things are in those drawers and you already have a suit case packed plus you have other things waiting for you at home." Her smile was warm and welcoming, maybe that was why she was likeable.

  "I promise I'll try to be nice... home?"

  "That's right they will be taking you to Florida. Oh, and you will probably need another suitcase for those things so here you go. If you need me for anything call me." She handed me a large bag that looked very expensive and an iPhone! Wow I could get use to that. But I couldn't let them poison me with gifts and what not I was still going to keep my guard up. "Do you like it?"

  "It's...incredible. Umm, thanks I don't know if I should accept it though, I still don't feel safe. I feel like I'm trapped...I don't know."

  "I know. I felt the same way. Well I should go now I almost forgot you must be starving... Emma!" She called. An older woman came in the room and gave her a tray. "Thank you, Emma." The lady vowed and left.

  "Here you go. I'll leave you alone now, you should get some rest. Don't be afraid."

  "Thank you. I'll try not to be." I said as I tried to smile and probably failed. But she smiled and left the room. I had a lot to think about, but I was hungry so I ate the delicious lasagna and drank the Coke. I got up and felt a lot better than I had when I got here. I opened a door, which I was hoping it was a restroom and it was, I had to go.

  After that day, food was taken to me at regular hours three times a day, a housekeeper cleaned the room. I had no visitors I was not allowed to leave the room, that didn't bother me since I had been living in a building for the past five months or so. Instead, books and movies were brought to me.

  …Two weeks passed and finally the day came, they were going to transfer me. I took a shower and wore a robe when I came out an outfit I assumed they were expecting for me to wear was lying on the bed. Hmm, I had to put it on it was a skirt that looked like it was from the Rock n' Roll era. It was certainly beautiful, black with silver pearls and it fit me perfect. It was just to my knees, it wasn't as long as the originals but it followed that same pattern. I put on a silver tank top that felt silky and was shiny and on top of that went a cardigan. It was also black but it was really nice. It all went together. The skirt had a pocket and as I was fixing it, in it I found a note, that said:

  "Take care of the uniform, it is one of many, I hope you like it. Check the closet by the dresser you will find a selection of shoes. You may take everything with you when you leave. It is all yours. – Sincerely, The Goddesses council."

  I went to the closet. I opened it and what I saw I will never forget. "Oh. My. God" there was at least fifteen pairs of shoes I looked at each one and fell in love with them. From Gucci to Chanel, Dolce & Gabana, Louis Vuitton. I was excited. Obviously, they had not been there before or I would've noticed. I picked a pair that were Chanel they were less dressy and more casual, flats with a little bit of heel and they were pure black so I put them on and put all the shoes in the bag. I went to the dresser and took all the accessories I picked a silver bracelet and a silver necklace that had my zodiac sign. How weird. I put all of that in a small bag that was in the drawer then I put it with the shoes. I looked in the next drawer and found my old clothes I carefully put them away too, I took the brand new underwear that I had found in the next two drawers. I was definitely going to need those.

  Finally in the last drawer there was another outfit when I picked it up to put in the bag a camera and an iPod fell on the bed. That was lucky, they were brand new. I left that and my new cell phone out on the bed. I noticed a drawer on the other side of the bed where the lamp was and wondered if there was anything inside, I went around the bed and opened it. I saw two purses one that was black about average size and another that was purple a smaller size, I took both. I put the purple one away and put the camera, IPod and cell phone inside the black purse. To my surprise I found makeup inside it, there was also a box, I looked at it and recognized what I was. Contacts, the kind I had to wear. Perfect. For the last five months I was wearing a pair of glasses because I couldn't get contacts. Now I was so happy I got them, I took a pair out and put them on. I also took advantage of the make up and put on some eye liner and eye shadow. I also found a brand new tooth brush, tooth paste and deodorant. I took all of that too, I had checked the drawers and dresser when I had first arrived here, but they only had a few simple outfits, and a pair of shoes. In the bathroom there was a tooth brush and a tooth paste but it was cheap. Now I was getting all these things.

  I was ready I sat on the bed and wondered if I was doing something really stupid. But I listened to my heart, just like Isabelle had told me too, and sure enough I knew I was doing the right thing, still it was all too strange to me and I didn't want to remember my aunt Julissa or Deidre, even less Cole. And I made my decision to try to forget about them.

  There was a knock.

  The door opened, and Robert walked in, gawked at me for a few minutes and smiled slightly. I hadn't seen him since the incident two weeks ago he cleared his throat and finally spoke. "We're leaving, let's go." He tried to get my stuff.

  "I got it. I don't need your
help, and it be nice if you stayed at least two feet away from me." I gave him a dirty look and took my stuff he opened the door for me and tried to grab my arm again. "No touching please, I think I lost enough blood last time." I said sarcastically, I noticed him clench his jaw but I decided not to care. Wanting him to stay away would be hard, we walked the opposite way to where the plane was waiting I guessed they had their own, It wouldn't surprise me. It took us about ten minutes to reach an exit door. We went outside and it was dark Id say it was about midnight. I saw the small private plane waiting.

  When we reached it, a tall man took my things and let us in. The inside was just as amazing as I thought it would be. Robert told me to sit in a very nice looking seat that probably converted into a bed, awesome. I sat down and just like I was thinking, yeah very nice and comfortable. Robert sat next to me I didn't want him too, but what could I do. Instead I tried to ignore him and took out my new IPod and tried to figure it out. I turned it on, and finally relaxed. My eyes closed for a minute then opened to look outside the small window. It had not even been ten minutes, when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I pulled my earpiece off. "What?" I asked annoyed, because it was Robert.

  "Don't talk to me like that. I am sorry for what I did, but it was your own fault, you need to learn to keep your mouth silent. Well, if you need something to eat or drink just let me know, I'll get it for you."

  "You know what? I don't care if you're a Lord or a whatever, but you have no right to talk to people that way, you started it. I don't want anything from you, if I need something I'll get it myself. I'm not helpless, I've been on my own for years. For all you know I am probably a lot smarter than you are, just because you're a vampire doesn't mean a thing to me." He was really pushing my buttons and I could see how my words affected him.

  Before I could say another word he jumped in front of me and got in my face, I was leaning as far away as I could from him while he leaned over me. His eyes turned pitch black and his face was a lot paler than it was three seconds ago.

  "You listen to me. We are stuck together you and I have no choice anymore. You don't know me and I could care less if you want to or not but in front of the royals you will pretend to like me as I will with you, and I'm not a full vampire for your information, If I was you'd be dead." He leaned even closer, our eyes met and locked for a moment. He realized how scared I was and he relaxed his expression immediately, his eyes went from pitch black to emerald green in an instant. The color on his face returned, and he smiled as if he was playing. "That's what I thought." He said and slowly sat back down.

  Something took over me because I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth. "You have pretty eyes..... I mean the color is umm.... yeah..." He was looking at me curiously and quickly I put on my headphones back on and looked away.


  The trip seemed like it was only a few hours, but it I knew that about ten hours had passed. I was listening to music most of the time, at one point Robert got irritated for some reason and went to sit somewhere else, after that I had ate and gone to the restroom. I had taken what I thought was a nap but I slept a while.

  We were now arriving and when the plane stopped, I looked outside and saw how beautiful Florida really was. I didn't know what city it was, I didn't recognize it, but the lights at night were incredible. I got up following Robert who I didn't say a word to, when we got off the plane I noticed there was a black Escalade and two men dressed in suits with their black sunglasses, so Man In Black. I didn't notice that Robert was carrying my luggage but I didn't want to have another confrontation with him.

  "Good evening." The two men said at the same time and opened the door for us. I got in the SUV as Robert put the luggage in the trunk and got in, sitting beside me, again i figured since I was going to have to deal with him then I was going to have to ask him questions.

  "Where are we?" I didn't look at him but I knew he heard me. I waited patiently as I took in the in interior of the Denali, the inside was all dark of course but the black leather made it pitch dark. Classic music played lightly while the driver and the other guy that had led us in the SUV spoke in another language to each other, I wondered if they were talking about us but Robert interrupted my thoughts.

  "Tallahassee." He said flatly. I had been here before, but that was a long time ago with my parents when my dad had to go for his job. My dad was a hard worker but also a great father, him and my mom were always together and agreed on most things. Even when I misbehaved, one never really took my side over the other but both were about even they were really the perfect parents, to me at least.

  "Where are we going now?" I asked while I was still reminiscing on the days when I used to have a family. My mother was an English teacher and the best, when I had trouble with my homework she always found time to help me, and I always had an A on English. My dad was an engineer, he was out of town a lot towards the end before the incident, but not alone. Both my parents would leave together when he had a job out of town, while I stayed with my then best friend Haley. The one time I had gone to Tallahassee was when I had just turned fourteen and my parents insisted on me going with them, they had said it would be a nice mini vacation for me because I never really left Jacksonville. And it was, we spent a couple of days there while my dad worked a little, me and my mom had gone shopping and to day spas. It was the most relaxing time, but tonight it just seemed like it was missing something, my parents.

  "The Dark Night Institute," He changed his tone.

  "Never heard of it," I looked at him this time and he was already staring at me with a weird expression on his face, until he spoke he looked out his window.

  "That would be because it's new." He was being sarcastic so I looked away.

  "Institute… not high school?" I realized after a few minutes the difference. "Sounds like a crazy asylum" It really did.

  "Not high school. We combined High school with college, it may seem awkward to you. But they're trying to encourage students to do six years of high school and college together. And it’s not a crazy asylum." He emphasized that last part,

  "That's...different." The city lights were shining brilliantly and cars drove past us to their destinations while I could only imagined the place I was being taken to.

  "Yes." He agreed, after that we were silent for about forty five minutes before Robert spoke.

  "Ah, here we are." He pointed outside my window, what I saw was Wow! A castle, but it certainly was a school I could tell it was full of students and people or more like I sensed it. The driver didn't park, but he stopped in front of the entrance, that was huge. Robert opened the door and I followed, he got the luggage and said something to the men that stayed in the SUV, we walked in the school and it was magical from the inside.

  "Are all the schools like this?

  "Institutes, yes they are." He corrected me, I just ignored that.

  The walls were a golden color there were no real lights just many, many lanterns. The lanterns were very old fashion, but also modern with hardwood floors all the way to the end. The hall was large and the ceiling was about fourteen feet high, they had gone with a chapel look. We walked to the first door on the right and went in without knocking.

  Hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier that looked like it was made from white gold. We were in a waiting area, Robert told me to sit down he left the luggage with me while he went to talk to a lady that was sitting in a desk at the other side of the room. I waited patiently but it was taking him a while.

  "Marissa Italy Annelisse Dawney, we have been waiting for you." A lady's voice said ecstatic.

  I stood up as she approached, followed by Robert. "I'm sorry. I don’t think I know you." I was trying to be nice, but it was strange how they knew my name, my clothes sizes, what kind of music I liked and almost everything.

  "No, you don’t. But I know you my Mia." She smiled. I shook her hand and felt how cold she was, her long white hair was shiny and pretty. She wasn't old but she wasn't
my age either. I guessed about forty but with no wrinkles, the kind of white hair she had, looked dyed like a Barbie's hair.

  "Nice to meet you," I said as I observed her, she wore formal outfit something you'd expect a secretary to wear, but there was something about hers that made her look elegant and flawless.

  "As it is to see you, come, we have much to discuss." Robert and I walked side by side while we followed her. We past the lady sitting in her desk minding her business and we went through a door that led to another long hall. Finally at the end there was another door we went through.

  It was her office, or I should say house. At the entrance there was an office, but beyond that I could see the staircase which led upstairs and I imagined it was where she stayed. It was weird how it was all connected. "You may sit. You too Robert,” she sat down. "Where shall we start?" She thought for a second. "Of Course, I was so intrigued by all of this that I forgot to introduce myself. I am Goddess Illyanne. I am not a vampire, but I am a goddess, the first of our kind. A Goddess in this world has a whole different meaning than yours... We are the protectors, and guardians for you I won’t tell you how you become one, at this time it is irrelevant, but basically one is assigned to each group. A group is you for example, Robert, a roommate and her or his pick. Plus one or two Gods or goddesses, if you don't have a roommate than there is only three that are part of the group, in this case you, Robert and your assigned Goddess or God. Oh, also if he has not graduated then he will probably have one too. Which, Robert does and because he's a Lord he has two, I am one and God Frederick is the other, if you need anything they will also be available to you. Let me see..." She looked through some papers. "Yes. Your Goddess is Isabelle, she__"

  "I already met her." I said without thinking. Illyanne just raised her eyebrows at me and glanced at Robert who was sitting beside me listening quietly.

  "Don't interrupt her." Robert whispered loudly.